How are we actively listening to God?
Are you listening to God? What does it mean to actively listen? It means pay attention. Give your undivided attention. It doesn’t mean sit in church and think about what you’re going to cook for dinner. It doesn’t mean make a mental checklist of the Christmas gifts
you’re going to buy after church.
If you want to hear God’s voice you do need to listen.
Listen to the promises He makes. There really is no “ifs, and, or buts” to his salvation.
If you are listening to God then you won’t hear him say “Your salvation might be coming if you start to fix your life”. He doesn’t say that. But were you listening?
You don’t have to give anything to get salvation. What?
The Lord says “You salvation is coming.” Period.
The birth of the baby Jesus is coming to save us. He comes in a lowly manger to save you. He isn’t appearing with a ticker tape parade, nor will Mary have nurses and a comfortable bed.
Baby Jesus is born in a stable, a hole in a hillside, a cave where Jesus is born. A small quiet voice.
He will live His life as He wants us to live ours. Jesus Christs shows us through example that he endured hatred, mocking, and punishment from those that hated Him to save us. Like a newborn baby, He is clean, sinless. He took the punishment for us.
Are you listening to God now?
What do you do to deserve someone who loves you this much? You don’t have to do anything. But listen, have faith. With the birth of the baby Jesus, miraculous things are about to happen. Glory be to God!
Advent Devotional Readings: Saturday, First Week Advent
Reading for the 1st Saturday in Advent: Isaiah 9:1-7
Daily Lectionary: Isaiah 26: 1-19; 1 John 3: 1-24
- Higher Things: Dare to Be Lutheran – The First Saturday of Advent
- Trinity Lutheran Church: First Sunday of Advent Sermon (listen to audio here)
- First Wednesday of Lent Sermon (listen to audio)
- Yesterday – Why the Promise is Important
- Tomorrow – Second Week Advent, Pink Candle of Advent
My Review of the Weekly Advent Readings for the 1st Week of Advent
I have finished studying the first week of Lutheran Advent reflections. Didn’t know if I was going to get through them. I haven’t written like this in a long time. But I thought it was important and was compelled to do it.
Next week will be the Second week of Advent, and I will go provide a list of Advent songs and hymns. If you’re wondering about the Lutheran Advent wreath don’t worry, I haven’t forgotten the Advent candles.
- Sunday: Lutheran Advent Season – Daily Reflections
- Monday: Why We Need to Stop the Want, Want, Want
- Tuesday: Prepare the Royal Highway
- Wednesday: Children of God, the Gift of Adoption
- Thursday: Titles of Jesus in the Bible
- Friday: Why the Promise is Important