In years past I have written my USMC Birthday message to the Commandant of the Marine Corps or to the U.S. Marines in general.

I am now addressing the new Marine Corps parents and families. Being a Mother of three Marines gives me a different perspective than my first year. Marine history, traditions, and responsibilities I understand more than ever.
Yes, I WAS that nervous Marine Corps boot camp Mom who couldn’t hold her camera still due to my hands shaking. I wear Marine Mom clothing and have my share of Marine decor
around the house.
After attending three Marine Corps graduations and listening to my Marines complain has given me a thicker skin. My viewpoint is a little different. It is said, “Once a Marine, Always a Marine” and the saying is also true. Once a Marine Mom, always a Marine Mom.
In years past I have written my USMC Birthday message to the Commandant of the Marine Corps or to the U.S. Marines in general.
I am now addressing the new Marine Corps parents and families. Being a Mother of three Marines gives me a different perspective than my first year. Marine history, traditions, and responsibilities I understand more than ever.
Yes, I WAS that nervous Marine Corps boot camp Mom who couldn’t hold her camera still due to my hands shaking.
After attending three Marine Corps graduations and listening to my Marines complain has given me a thicker skin. My viewpoint is a little different. It is said, “Once a Marine, Always a Marine” and the saying is also true. Once a Marine Mom, always a Marine Mom.
The United States Marine Corps teaches new recruits to become independent adults. We notice the initial change during the family day and graduation. Our new Marines stand taller, more confident, and have an air about them that is sometimes completely foreign to the son or daughter that left home 13 weeks earlier.
USMC Letter to Parents
Read my previous letters to the USMC and the Commandant below
This Mother of two Marines writes a letter to the Marine Corps as a way of gratitude for her Marine sons.”
2017 Marine Corps Birthday Message from the Commandant of the Marine Corps
The United States Marine Corps teaches new recruits to become independent adults. We notice the initial change during the family day and graduation. Our new Marines stand taller, more confident, and have an air about them that is sometimes completely foreign to the son or daughter that left home 13 weeks earlier
USMC Letter to Parents
“Dear Marine Corps Parents,

Your new Marine is has been put through the toughest military training and has NOT been babied. They have NOT been coddled. You may cry a little inside when they tell you stories of boot camp. You probably did when you read their letters from home. It is said it takes three weeks to form new habits. Your Marine formed new habits and broke old ones.
Trust in the Corps, trust in your sons and daughters. USMC training is tough, it is meant to be. It prepares them for their duties ahead, it prepares them deployment, for war, for battle, and for life after the Marines.
When your Marine complains, bite your tongue, don’t enable but encourage. If they say they are broke and have no money, don’t send any. Seriously, don’t.

Marines HAVE money. According to my THREE Marines, they have expendable income. Their rent, utilities are paid. Your Marine needs to learn to manage money better. Drinking, tattoos, pizza three times a week and the cursed vending machines suck them dry. Mess hall food IS edible. It is not Mom’s home cooking, but it’s better than MRE’s if they are deployed.
New Marines don’t need new vehicles. The payments coming out of their check and insurance could easily pay for a good pre-owned car and plane tickets home.
Marines do NOT have to pay to have their taxes done. On every base, there are free tax services provided. An appointment is all that is needed. Signs are posted on bulletin boards as tax time approaches. They can also deduct all uniform and haircut expenses. That $9.00 haircut every week adds up. New boots, dress cover? Save receipts.
Did you know they can also be saving money for savings and retirement every paycheck? A class on financial responsibility is given in boot camp. They can designate a portion of their paycheck during the boot camp class and years later they will have thousands of dollars saved. Most will even forget about it and have a nice nest egg for a new car or down payment on a house when they get out.
The Marine Corps gives every Marine an opportunity to earn college credits, volunteer at civic organizations, and advancement in rank and pay. It’s a system of rewarding achievement. Challenge coins, ribbons, Marine of the Month, Quarter and LOAs (letters of achievement) can be earned and stay with them in their record.
Encourage your new Marine to participate, “embrace the suck” and when they receive their DD214’s at the end of service they will come to work in the “real world” is a piece of cake compared to the Corps. It is rare that a Marine enjoys their enlisted career, but it is rare that they don’t talk about it and stand a little taller when they get out. The camaraderie is one that remains for a lifetime. Once a Marine, Always a Marine.
So Semper Fi parents, breathe, relax and enjoy the ride!
Best regards,
A Marine Mom

Read my previous letters to the USMC and the Commandant below
Please feel free to read my previous letters to the US Marine Commandant, the Marine Corps as a whole and my heartfelt wishes during each year of my Marine Mom journey.