PetSafe Squeak N Treat Booya
I am so excited! For more than ten years I have been trying to find indestructible squeaky toys for my dog Brody, a Jack Russell terrier.
Seriously, there is a basket of defluffed dog toys sitting in my living room as evidene. He can tear apart hundreds of dollars of squeaky plush dog toys within minutes.
There are remnants of dog toy fluff under the couch right now. If the toy contains a squeaker it will get destroyed.
Pet companies sent boxes of samples for testing. No luck. Some were canvas dog toys made of fire hydrant material. Brody is more persistent than a tiger with his squeaky toys. Don’t believe the tiger test.
Most tough dog toys designed for strong chewers normally don’t have squeakers. So unless I could put food inside he soon lost interest.
Chew Toys for Agressive Chewers
The best dog toy I have ever found, up to this point, is the Busy Buddy bone, which I bought shortly after I brought Brody home (he was a rescue). BUT, it doesn’t squeak.
Even after ten years of chewing and being left in the backyard the Busy Buddy survives. It takes hundreds of hours of abuse and survives.
Squeaky Dog Toys for Aggressive Chewers
I always wanted Petsafe Pet Products to release a squeaky dog toy with this material and they HAVE!!

My husband and I went to Bass Pro Shop, and displayed on an end cap at the front of the store were PetSafe dog toys.
Look what I found! The first treat dispensing dog toy that squeaks.
Brody has been chewing on it for six hours (update 2 years) and it barely is scratched!
My Jack Russell is a small to medium dog but I get him larger toys so it was the large sized Booya toy for him.
On the scale of chew intensity Brody is extreme and can easily squeeze the rubber to make it squeak. He is a little bit obsessed with it and I don’t expect the behavior to change.
I’m going to have to get two or three they are that good. My Boxer just has to wait her turn, or begs me to take it away from Brody.
The rubber is infused with a vanilla scent, much like the bacon infused Nylabone he loves.
Here is the VIDEO of Brody chewing on his Booya dog toy. This dog toy is amazing and puts all the others to shame.
I have filled it a couple times with treats for Leah (the Boxer) because although she is bigger. She doesn’t have the “chew and destroy” drive of the terrier. With full confidence I can say this is an indestructible squeaky toy for dogs of all kinds of dogs.
Where to find an Indestructible Squeaky Toy
If your favorite pet store (or Bass ProShop) doesn’t carry the Busy Buddy Booya the head on over Amazon, they have everything. Premier-Pet Products has a whole line of indestructible dog toys, they are also the makers of the Gentle Leader dog harness that stopped Brody from pulling on his leash.
PetSafe Dog Toys
Hands down PetSafe dog toys are the best dogs toys for chewers!
What are the best dog toys for chewers survive your persistent canine?