Happy Birthday Marine Corps
I sit at my computer on the night of my youngest son’s Marine Corps Ball and reflect on the journey I’ve taken as a Marine Mom and want to say “Thank You.”
For four years I have been a Mother of two Marines. The first letter I wrote to the Marine Corps was more of a request. Two years later I have a different sentiment. Since then I have watched my sons grow into responsible, mature young men. The Marines have played a large part in developing the men they will be the rest of their life and I’m very proud of them both.
This year I was blessed to spend the longest quality, undivided, one on one time with my son. No competition with other siblings, no competing with friends, or capturing an hour here or there during a short military leave.
I was able to spend not hours, not one day, but several days in a row, getting to know my son on an adult level. The opportunity to stand back and observe, take them in and realize how much he has grown, how much I love him, and how proud I am of the man he has become.
So this year, my letter to the United Stated Marine Corps takes a little different spin.
A Letter From a Marine Mom
Dear Marine Corps,
I want to take this opportunity, on the Marine Corps birthday to thank you, from the bottom of this Marine Mom’s heart. A few years ago I loaned you my sons. You have treated them well and I am grateful.
Thank you for giving them clear expectations, with a clear set of guidelines and rewards when a job is well done. Thank you for teaching them to be aware of their surroundings, to defend themselves, to protect the weak, and stand firm against injustice. Not only against our enemy abroad, but in every day situations in life.
The Marine Corps taught my sons patience, tolerance, and the ability to adapt to changing situations.
Dealing with ever changing leave orders and plane reservations serves a purpose. It does carry forth to civilian life, especially when apartment plans, GI Bill delays, and schooling don’t go as planned. For this increased patience, thank you.
I have seen first hand the pride they take in being a part of a brotherhood. I’ve watched my sons interact with fellow Marines, not only with professionalism but respect.
It’s the everyday things that happen on a Marine base, the little things that mean a lot. The everyday event of colors and the national anthem played twice a day. While at the time this may not mean a thing, it gives them an anchor and pride in Corps and country in the future. A casual greeting of Semper Fi to a fellow Marine serves to remind each of them of the lifelong brotherhood they share and will remain “Always Faithful.”
Thanks to the Marine Corps, my sons had the opportunity to become leaders and volunteer in their communities.
They took advantage of continued education during active duty by taking classes. All this while becoming part of a long tradition of men and women serving their country.
This year I consider myself blessed to be a Marine Mom and I thank the Marine Corps for a few of those blessing.
A Mother of Two Marines

What changes have your seen in your son or daughter? I’d love to hear your insight on their experience.
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