I recently had the honor, and selfish fun of throwing a friend a baby shower! Excited, oh yes. To think that someone told her that a Mom should only have a shower for their first born and not a second baby.
Baby showers are just as much for the friends as the new Mama. In fact for those of us closer to being a Grandmother (no ideas kids) than being pregnant, we revel in babies. The thought of cuddling, spoiling, buying cute baby clothes and toys knowing that when the crying starts we can had them back has a TON of appeal to me right now.

Found the rubber duck punch and LifeSaver pacifiers on Pinterest, yes there will be separate posts for those. I had just too much fun.
Initial photos were run through Lightroom, about 45 of them in about 30 minutes, then put together this simple template in Photoshop
Related articles
- Rachel’s Baby Shower (dailydoily.typepad.com)
- My Friend’s Baby Shower (banheethespectator.wordpress.com)
- Oh! Baby O! (kmckphoto.wordpress.com)