In cemeteries all over the country flags are placed on the graves of veterans for Memorial Day. Have you ever wondered how they suddenly appear, who places them, and how long it takes?
In Elmwood Nebraska, a town of just slightly over 800 people, we celebrate Memorial Day like many towns across the country. The local VFW (Veterans of Foreign Wars) coordinates volunteers to met in the cemetery to place flags on the memorial crosses and markers. I’ve learned this event is often called “Flaging In”

A time of 7 o’clock pm was sent out for anyone who wanted to help decorate the cemetery. I got there about 7:05 and the people were already milling about with bundles of flags. All of the small flags had already been taken so a friend and I were given a basket of large flags to raise on the poles.

Each pole was at least a two person job, one to hold the flag to make sure it didn’t touch the ground, and the other to raise the pole. The flag wanted to fly free in the wind and I can’t describe the feeling I had as I released the flag into the wind and watch it unfurl. Maybe a sense of pride crept over my face along with a smile. It felt good.

This was truly a community event with people of all ages helping.

It’s pretty amazing to gather with a group of people who feel the same way. Who want to remember veterans and those that died serving their country. People need to remember, never forget what makes the United States great.
Take time out this weekend from your barbecues, family get togethers and shopping to visit a military museum, take part in a Memorial Day ceremony at a church or cemetery. Look at the names and dates on the headstones and remember.
Where to Buy American Flags Made in America
Valley Forge Flag 3-Feet by 5-Feet Nylon USBulk American Flags for Cemeteries
3′ X 5′ Flag Display Case
Recognizing Memorial Day
- Memorial Day in a Cemetery (
- Remembering Memorial Day (
- Remembering The Meaning Of Memorial Day (
- Remember the Fallen Soldiers on This Memorial Day (
- Memorial Day: A Humphrys Holiday (
- Memorial Day, the Day Our Band Marched (
Hi there, neighbor! My kiddos have entered the Bess Streeter Aldrich short story contest and have won several times, so we’ve had the pleasure of visiting your beautiful little town of Elmwood, as they were invited to the spring banquet many times. I love small towns, and this post is just beautiful.
Why thank you for the nice comment. It’s nice to met a nearby blogger. I have to admit I have been lax this past year and not posted on a regular basis, but I’m going to try and do better with a one post a week goal. I love living in Cass county, and yes small towns are the best. Love your site. I think I’m going to create a Nebraska PIN board to keep track of area bloggers and contacts. Otherwise I lose track of people. Pinterest is my friend. LOL