Here is the last letter from Devil Doggery and her journey from civilian to a United States Marine. I really had to laugh at this letter as she sounded just like my youngest son in his last phase at boot camp. EVERYTHING was about food! I’m even going to compare the two letters. Here is an excerpt from her letter. (full one can be read here)

“And, again, I’m going to spend time talking about how I want to stuff my face so badly. You know what sucks though? I was trying to play exactly what I was going to eat as soon as I got home and then I realized… I’m probably flying into San Jose at like, midnight or later. And I could still go get something, but … I want Asian food and that ain’t open that late. Or some In-N-Out… Mmm… But regardless, I’m sure if it’s that late, all I’ll want to do is pass out. And fortunately, I’ll still be able to get tasty snacks and such before then, because we have Liberty Sunday the day after we get back from the Crucible, meaning we get to wander the base and buy actual food, and a bunch of the other recruits said that their families would be willing to adopt me on Family Day (the day before graduation).
Either that or I figured I could mooch some treats off of them and then run off with some of the other orphans and have a bit of free time. Even though I’m a geek, so I find myself wodnering if there’s a bookstore somewhere on this base… LOL. I NEED TO READ THE SECOND BOOK IN THE CHAOS WALKING TRILOGY. Also, I would like to read Divergent. I think I just miss reading. And TV. Oh man, if I could, I would so just buy a pint of ice cream and a pack of cookies, (Chips Ahoy or Nutter Butters), and find a TV and just veg. That’s how I would spend my Liberty Sunday. Because I’m boring, LOL.
I want me some sushi and like, KBBQ and chocolate milkshakes and a burger and a donut from this awesome donut place in downtown Campbell, and banh mi from Lee’s, and Yogurtland, and EVERYTHING. I’m hungry. This needs to stop.“
Below is an excerpt from my son’s letter from last fall before he graduated from US Marine boot camp.

“Find a cheesecake place and pizza. Girl scout Caramel Delights are also on my snack list. Oh, and I’ll want to be stopping a lot to eat. One of the snack items is Eli’s Mama muffins, also cake, like back home, chocolate with vanilla frosting. Don’t forget Tammy’s Orero balls Swedish fish, beef jerky, snickers, and Twix. Anything snacky. Bring my MP3 player with my songs on it, I seriously want to sing to the Carnegie Hall music”
It seems the topic of food is the number one discussion item in the barracks as boot camp gets closer to an end. If you don’t remember my son’s journey here is what he did actually eat on Family Day. It would impress the most serious competitive eater. We all stood in awe.
So in the end it doesn’t matter, male or female, they all crave the comforts of home, which starts with food.
This young women has most likely gone through the Crucible and is now a Marine. Graduation probably right around the corner. I’ll be interested in hearing her feelings now that boot camp is over.

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