Silent Sunday 19
Prince of Peace
Merry Christmas to all my blog friends and readers. Preparations for the Christmas and holiday celebrations seem to overtake our lives, yet today is the day to reflect what it’s all about.
Took this photo when driving to a friends for dinner. The farmstead was elaborately decorated, yet this nativity scene spelled it all out. I added the text in Photoshop.
#7/52: Chevy Truck in the Barn
Had some time to play around with Photoshop tonight and have been sitting on this photo for a few weeks. I miss Photoshop and post production.
For those interested I created duplicated image layers. Posterized one layer heavily, the set the opacity to 73%. Used gradient, from upper left to lower right and added a orange color overlay at about 20%. I always create adjustment layers in an action, some I use, others I don’t, but the action saves time. For the car I bumped the contrast and adjusted the levels.
#5/52: Snow Storm in Nebraska
When it snows in Nebraska, it really snows. When the wind stops blowing, the snow settles into the trees, and the sun comes out the countryside is a magnificant site. If it is a wet spring snow it sticks to everything, covering the trees, and making for more photo opportunities than I could choose from, so here are a few more from rural Nebraska.
I always am looking for a good excuse to drive around the country, test out my camera and snow is a good opportunity to learn more about white balance and how to get true whites during snow and not blue.
Right now I’m just going to post the results. All of the photos are SOOC (straight out of camera) with the exception of the top photo, the greenish tinge just kept bugging me so I adjusted the white balance in a levels layer.