I’ve always wanted to photograph a waterfall and finally got my chance. I’m so happy with it! Shot this waterfall photo at Devils Den State Park in Northwestern Arkansas on my Mother/Daughter camping trip. I climbed out on the rocks, quite a feat since I’m afraid of heights, and a flat rock acted as my tripod.

Only took two photos since the sun was going behind the trees and after looking at the results in the camera I was more than pleased. Being from Nebraska I don’t have much of an opportunity to practice waterfalls photography.
Editing notes: Almost none, opened in Lightroom 4, straightened a few degrees, adjusted white balance for a little more warmth, that was it!
Tips For Good Waterfall Photography
- Set your camera on Manual or Shutter priority
- Experiment with long exposures starting at 1/2 second and going up from there. The longer the exposure the smoother the water effect
- Increase your aperture as high as it will go to reduce over exposure in sunny conditions (this photo was taken on a cloudy overcast day)
- Use a neutral density filter on sunny days for really long exposures
- Use a tripod and a shutter trigger
- If you don’t have a tripod, or a good place to set up find a sturdy rock
- To avoid blur if you don’t have a shutter release set the automatic timer
What Equipment Do You Need to Photograph a Waterfall
Photography doesn’t need to be complicated, nor does it need to cost a lot of money. The shot above was done with a very simple DSLR Canon Rebel camera sitting on a rock on shutter priority and the self programmed timer. You know the setting, set it for 2-10 seconds, run and get in the photo. It was a cloudy day so I didn’t have to worry about sun glare. The conditions were perfect, I had a perfectly placed flat rock and perfect weather.
However, conditions are not always perfect and having the right photography tools on hand can make it easier to get the photograph you envision. I’ve always wanted a Gorilla pod, one just because they look cool, but other reasons is they are so very flexible and you can wrap them around a tree limb.
I have since purchased a Neutral Density filter and this will act lessen the sun glare and bright spots and enhance the ambient colors. Works great for sunrises and sunsets to bring out color.
Manfrotto BeFree Compact Lightweight Tripod for Travel PhotographyJoby GP1-A1EN Gorillapod Flexible Tripod (Grey)
Hoya 62mm HMC Neutral Density ND8 Multi-Coated Glass
Neewer LCD Timer Shutter Release Remote Control for
Learn More About Waterfall Photography
Beginner’s Guide to Waterfall Photography – Digital Photography …
Waterfall Digital Photography – Digital Photography School
5 Steps to Waterfall Photography (Guest Post) | eQuipping for eMinistry