What a difference a year makes. A year ago the Midwest was in the most severe flood in history. This season it’s the worst drought anyone can remember. The season started early with warm weather that encouraged early planting. Detassling started the last weekend in June , which was about 2-3 weeks early.
The drought is in full swing and in Eastern Nebraska the corn is beyond recovery. Corn harvest officially started the sedond week in August.

Farmers are cutting CRP grass to have enough forage for winter and the bean crop, while still green, has little hope. I have lived in Nebraska for almost 25 years and this summer has been the first year we have had 10 days of highs in the 100’s.
In Western Nebraska 100 degree temperatures have been reached 43 days out of the last sixty. Even the crops under pivots and irrigation are hurting.
The Nebraska state drought monitor has placed the entire state in a severe drought state in late July with 83% of the state being in extreme drought.

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- DROUGHT UPDATE: Recent Drought Report Released (whotv.com)
- Drought intensifies in Kansas, Nebraska (kansascity.com)