I’m so excited! On a gorgeous warm sunny Saturday last week I cleaned out the flower beds and look what I found. The first flowers of spring, a spring crocus! Yes, it takes little to get me excited, but this is a sign of spring, a forecast of what is to come, warm days, sunny skies. Oh, spring! Oh happy day! Next will be the daffodils and then my favorite spring flower, tulips.

Disclaimer: This image was updated a week later when it SNOWED!! What the heck? It’s officially spring according to the calender, no more snow!
Photography Notes: Used my camera in the shadow and snow programed mode and didn’t have to do anything post production other than resize. Did use my new MCP Action to quickly created the frame. Its the free Facebook Fix, side by side. This one you get by going to their Facebook page.
I’m Not the Only One Who Hunts For the First Flowers Of Spring
It seems I’m not the only person who gets tired of winter and looks for the hope of the first blooms of spring. Here in Nebraska it is the spring crocus that appears, in other location the first flower may be a bluebell, or even a skunk cabbage. What is it in your location?
I like to plant a small bowl of crocuses and have them on the dining room table. These are small enough they don’t get in the way and since I don’t have a green thumb I don’t care if they live all year round.
Hirts Gardens Delft Ceramic Bowl with Purple Crocus Bulbs and Indoor Fragrant Growing Kit
First Flowers of Spring