A simple but elegant macro of a peony. They are in full bloom right now and just spectacular.
Photography Notes: Added a warming filter, sharpened the stamens, added a pale yellow mask then erased the inside, burned the white leaves for dimension.
My Life, my photography, my passions
The Henry Doorly Zoo is more than about animals, it’s a horticultural dream. Especially at the Garden of the Senses. My goal was to capture the dew drop still hanging on this rose. Roses have been over done as a photography subject, but because they are I had to include it in my collection. You know me and flowers.
Sweet Basil is my favorite herb to cook with, I put it in just about everything. This little five inch plant should get to be about two feet tall and just about as bushy, if we get any warm weather. The secret is to keep pinching off the tops of each stem to make it grow bushier. I’ll document as the plant grows. Just a quick post this morning.
I’m going to indulge myself with flowers, flowers and more flowers. It was an experimental day with my Marine son’s Canon Rebel EOS. I wanted to see if his camera took better pictures than what I currently have done with my Fujica S1500 and old Olympus E10. So, I’m asking for your help. What do you think in comparison to my other flower photographs?
I’m beginning to think that it’s not the equipment, but the photographer. You can have an outstanding very expensive camera, but if you don’t know how to use it then your photographs are going to be subpar.
The thing I do like about my Fujica S1500 is when I adjust the exposure on the aperture priority setting the image in the view finder changes to reflect the exposure setting. In both the Olympus and Canon the view doesn’t change and I’m left “guessing” at the exposure (-1 or +1 ). Often get back to my computer and find a whole batch under or over exposed. If I’m in a hurry, like the zoo trip coming up, I lose a lot of images. Sure I can check it on the camera playback, but if it’s a sunny day it’s still hard to judge.
Guess it’s experience, time, and taking lots and lots of pictures. But, then that’s one of my goals of this 365 project.
Photography Notes: None of these images were SOOC (straight out of camera) all had some cropping, adjustment layers, exposure correction, contrast bumping, and in a few cases a burned edge. But I didn’t spend too much time on them, maybe 30 seconds.
I’m not delving into politics, but isn’t that the phrase that comes to mind when someone says “Bleeding Hearts?” Wish it wasn’t true as these flowers don’t deserve that moniker. I love Bleeding Hearts, they are one of the few flowers that flourish in the shade and instead of being a sad plant it reminds me of Christmas ornaments hanging from a tree.
My backyard gets so little sun, especially next to the fence, and this hardy plant has survived much abuse. It has been run over countless times by a lawn mower, accidents caused by well meaning people who help me mow occasionally and can’t tell weeds from flowers. Guess that’s my fault, I should get rid of the weeds. Last year I did, so I think my Bleeding Heart Plant is safe.
Photography Notes: Another straight out of the camera from my Olympus E-10 camera. Only took four images at different settings before I rushed back in to dip strawberries that day