Here is something you don’t see very often, a large format, 8×10 E6 Film View Camera. At Hamilton Color Lab, located in Omaha Nebraska, this isn’t used very often. But for high quality art reproductions which will be reproduced in a 40 x 40 foot canvas in this case, you need a camera format large enough to capture the detail and information.
After we develop the film (yes we still develop E6 slide transparencies) it is then scanned on an Scitex Eversmart and digitized for outsource printing. The file size just for this one image is over one gigabyte and took over an hour to scan.
Most art reproductions we do at work are digital captures with a Canon 5D and a special lens made especially for photographing artwork, or flat images which eliminates lens distortion.
Below is the front of the camera, I know were curious and just itching to see more, so here is some camera eye candy for those film fans.

Dave Hamilton, owner of Hamilton Color Lab shoots with a Canon 5D on most days in the studio, but keeps his old Hasellblad camera, 4×5 Film Camera and this baby in storage for those unique moments. Not too many 8×10 View cameras in use anymore, and this one got quite a bit attention when it was brought out.
I know this post was a shameless plug for where I work, but I love working there and until I can get our company blog up and running I can’t resist sharing here.
Related articles
- 35mm Film (filmphotographyisnotdead.wordpress.com)
- How Large Format Cameras Are Made [Video] (cultofmac.com)