I love my Uggs!
What’s even better is I got them almost 15 years ago, before the Ugg fashion craze, brand new (no tread wear), for only $5.00, at a Goodwill store. They are original sheepskin and are the best boots I’ve ever worn. Even in the coldest Nebraska winters, my feet have never gotten cold. Sometimes they are too warm, but you won’t find me complaining.
My Uggs are so warm I only wear them a few months of the year, that’s why they are in such good shape. Sure, they don’t stand up straight and tall anymore, but don’t they look comfy cozy on a cold January winter day?
This style of Tall Classic Uggs sell for well over $100, at that price I would be afraid to wear them. But at the bargain I got, I go out in everything!
My UGGs have proven themselves worthy. It’s one of the reasons why I’m a thrift store addict, you never know what you will find at bargain prices.
Why pay full retail for designer clothes when you can pay a fraction of the cost?
You can pay $170 for Uggs from the upscale stores, but me I prefer to buy a whole wardrobe by thrifting for the same price that includes fashion designs such as Ann Taylor, New York & Company, Nordstroms, Eddie Bauer, and LL Bean.