I do get really tired of politics and career politicians, so it was refreshing to see a “common” layperson, Deb Fischer, run away with an election or race that is dominated by traditional ingrained politicians who have a long standing reputations and attitudes of “I’m unbeatable.”

Deb Fischer, a republican, ran for the Nebraska Senate 2012 race, taking the long time spot of Democrat Senator Ben Nelson. She was a surprise winner of the Nebraska May primary beating out favorite Jon Bruning and Jon Stenburg, both who have long standing reputations in the state. Not only were her two contenders the favorite, they out spent her by a considerable amount.
So why did she win, and why was she ahead in the polls I think it’s for the reason that she is NOT a career politician and she campaigns the old fashioned way, hand shaking and meeting people where ever they gather. In just two events I attended during the summer of 2012, the Syracuse Germanfest and the Cass County Fair Parade she was there. Democrat Bob Kerry was no where to be seen.

Bob Kerry played the dirty mudslinging politics because he couldn’t run on his record, nor service to Nebraska. So he maligned Deb Fischers rancher family and the grazing rights her husbands family has held since 1959.
The Omaha World Herald contrasted the campaign styles of Fischer and Kerry, but I think it gets down to this simple fact. Deb Fischer is a real person, she is tired of politics as usual, and as she has done in Nebraska, she will reach across party lines and isn’t afraid of anyone. She’s spent her life in Nebraska and serving the people of Nebraska to make a state with a balanced budget and low unemployment.
Bob Kerry, where has he been the past 15 years? Living in Greenwich Village New York, looking out for New York citizens, not the Midwest Nebraskans. Most people here don’t want him back.
So impressed is the national political scene at her upward swing she was invited, and spoke at the Republican National Convention
Becoming a U.S. Senator has never been an ambition of mine. But over the last four years, I’ve become dismayed with the record spending, the record debt, and the record unemployment.
The Obama administration has been out of touch with the American people, and they’ve driven our country towards the edge of a fiscal cliff.
So in November I voted for the person who really cares about our state and not a career politician who, I think, had a back room conversation with the Democratic committee on getting an “easy” candidate into office again. This tactic obviously failed and failed big time.
This race reminds me of the 2016 Presidential race in the tone and frustration the American public feels about career politicians. That is the reason why Donald Trump and Ben Carson are leading in the polls.
One Nation: What We Can All Do to Save America’s FutureWhy We Need Donald Trump for President
People are tired of politics and politicians as usual. Let’s get a “real” person in the White House, someone who has succeeded in business or in life and knows what it’s like to risk their life savings on a dream.
I like the idea of Trump, a no nonsense tell it like it is and not afraid to take action and call someone out, especially the media. I also like Dr. Ben Carson who grew up from nothing, fought his way to the top and is soft spoken, but carries a big stick in the form of ideas. Let’s take back Washington DC and clear out the corrupt politicians and let the junior senators like Deb Fisher and Ben Sasse, along with the newly elected congressmen actually get some work done.
No More Politics as Usual