Easter Miracle Stories Can Happen
I believe in Gods’ blessings and the Easter miracle stories because I witnessed a personal Easter miracle.

Many of you hear of Easter miracles, stories testimonials and casually dismiss their validity. You may patiently listen, smile, and nod your head. But truly not believe.
I did the same. But no longer. My father was dying in a hospital. The doctors and nurses were saying any minute, any hour. But I witnessed my own miracle on Easter.
All we need to do is believe and have faith. It’s that simple. Christ died for us on Good Friday many years ago and through the miracle of his Resurrection showed how we can have everlasting life.
All we need to do is believe and have faith. It’s that simple. Christ died for us on Good Friday many years ago and through the miracle of his Resurrection showed how we can have everlasting life.
For by Grace you have been saved through faith and it is not your doing, but a Gift from God (Ephesians 2:8).

Easter has a special meaning for me and the traditional Easter hymns bring me back to certain times in my life when I have witnessed miracles.
There are true life miracle stories that happen every day. Stories that have no explanation that can only be attributed to the grace of God.
My Easter Miracle Story
In 1995 I received a call from my Mother on Good Friday. Dad was in the hospital and not expected to make it through the weekend.
I immediately flew 1500 miles to Connecticut and we started a 24-hour bedside vigil.
The years of emphysema and COPD had taken a toll, Dad was laying in the hospital bed, nonresponsive and hooked to machines that beeped his life story.
I had the overnight shift on Saturday night and spent the hours repeatedly putting his oxygen mask back on his face, as he kept pulling it down. The nurses came in and asked me what I wanted them to do if he stopped breathing.
They did not expect my Father to live through the night.
I just gave them a stern and outraged look and said, “He can hear you, we aren’t going to talk about it.” You see, my Father had not yet met his brand new granddaughter, who had just been born a few months earlier.
The next morning was Easter, and I left the hospital when I Mom arrived to attend Easter Service at my home church of Grace Episcopal in Broad Brook CT. Traditional Easter songs have always moved me in ways I can’t explain.
I sat in the back, in one of the Mother rocking chairs with my baby girl, and listened to the traditional Easter hymns in that small church. I prayed, I held my baby girl, rocked her, and wept. The He’s Risen hymn touched my heart and soul and I can’t explain the feeling I felt.
It was a warmth, a radiating “tingle” throughout my entire body that did not cease. I tried to sing, but could not because of the lump in my throat.
I prayed for an Easter miracle.
After church, I went anxiously to the hospital. My Dad was sitting up and drinking coffee.
I have no explanation except as an example of the many Easter miracle stories that abound. Afterward, I learned he was on seven prayer lists that morning.
Thank you for that Easter miracle and those last few days with my Dad. Christ is Risen indeed, and Jesus gives life.
Hymns to Enjoy this Happy Easter
To me, these hymns are Easter. They are my favorite traditional hymns and I look forward to singing Jesus Christ is Risen Today hymn during church every Easter morning. I do have to admit there is always a lump in my throat as I remember sitting in my hometown Episcopal church praying for my Father.
Jesus Christ is Risen Today Hymn
Traditional Easter songs cross over various denominations. The following Christian hymns and music are sung in churches of various denominations including Episcopal, Lutheran and Catholic churches.
Christ the Lord is Risen Today Hymn
My favorite traditional Easter hymn is “Christ the Lord is Risen Today.” It reminds me of not only my own Easter miracle story but God’s grace in my life every day.
He’s Risen, He’s Risen Hymn
Another favorite hymn in both the Lutheran and Episcopal church is the He’s Risen Hymn. It’s also one of mine. The majesty of the He’s Risen hymn played by an organ is magnificent and will send a chill through your soul.
Thank you for reading and listening. If you have a favorite Easter Hymn or Easter miracle stories please share them, below.
Remember Easter is not just one day, but all year round. Christ is Risen!
Have a Happy Easter and look for Easter miracle stories in your life, not just on Easter, but every day.
If you love the traditional Easter songs and are looking for Easter hymns and sheet music for the piano try the music books below.
Lorie Line – The Heritage Collection Volume 6 – Piano Solo PersonalityHeritage Collection 2 by Lorie Line (2000-09-29)
Christ Is Risen! – 26 Easter Songs Celebrating the Resurrection
A Month of Sundays: Easter and Lent (Sacred Performer Collections)