Didn’t know it would be the United States Marine Corp that would teach my sons to iron, but a squared away uniform is a sense of pride in the Corps. My oldest son gave his recruit brother a lesson and tips on ironing his uniform and squaring his cover during his latest leave. (home for his brothers high school graduation)

It’s the attention to detail Marine recruits are taught during boot camp at MCRD San Diego or Paris Island. How to properly shine your shoes, iron your uniform, pin your ribbons exactly 1/8″ of an inch from the top of the pocket, and how to clean a toilet and sink to pass inspection.
United States Marine Corps (USMC) And Navy Uniform RegulationsU.S. Marine Corps Uniform Guide (Look Sharp!)
Why do these mundane tasks matter? I believe they are used to teach discipline and patience, to learn how to pay attention to detail in everything a Marine does, regardless of the task.

As a birthday/graduation present received a wore out set of his Marpat desert cammies to wear at the big airsoft game, Oklahoma Invasion 6, coming up Memorial Day weekend. Out of the sea bag the cover looked a bit crumbled. There was no way a Marine would be caught with a cover like this. Before it could be worn it needed squaring away, Marine style. No starch, but water, paper towels, steam, high heat, and cardboard stays would have to do for now.

Never thought I’d ever see this, a photo opportunity if I ever saw one. The process took an hour, with lessons given on tips and tricks of a great squared away Marine uniform. I overhead Army uniforms are “garbage” and how to properly wear your cover. “It’s not a hat, don’t pull it down on your head, you’ll look like a tool”
Marine Corps Recruit Depot San Diego (Images of America)Live At McRd San Diego [Explicit]

Looks better doesn’t it? Sleeve rolling was next, but I left the boys to bond and discuss uniform care. It’s a big part of boot camp, the beginning of teaching attention to detail and discipline. If they pay this much attention to just their uniforms imagine what is required in the other aspects of mission training. No wonder the United States Marine Corps is the best fighting force in the world.
ULTIMATE MARINE RECRUIT TRAINING GUIDEBOOK: A Drill Instructor’s Strategies and TacticsMaggot the Accounts of a Journey through Paris Island
Information About Marine Corps Uniforms
CO: Soldiers Will Wear Marine Corps Uniforms To Improve …
Marine Corps Uniforms Index: By Chapter | Blood Stripes
Uniforms; Uniform Regulations, MCO P1020.32G W CH 1-5 …
Where Can You Buy Marine Corps Uniforms | Internet …
Appropriate times to wear uniforms? – Leatherneck.com
United States Marine Corps Uniforms, Insignia and Personal …