Today I’m venturing outside, there are many Christmas scenes in our small town of Elmwood NE (pop. 787) that I’m going to try and capture as many as I can before the season is over. These Candy Canes grace the fence in front of the town apartments. They were so festive I had to stop. (expect night pictures when the fence is lit.)
Day 13/365: Christmas Cookies
Cookie baking is over for the season. They are ready to ship and distribute. Tried a few new recipes, one I will definitely keep is the Molasses Spice Sugar Cookies. Wow! They are delicious, especially dunked in milk. Recipe will be following, so subscribe to the RSS feed at the top and it will be arriving shortly.
Couldn’t decide on one picture today, so here are two.
Day 12/365: Vintage Santa
If this vintage Santa looks like he was singed by a smoky fire, he was, a long time ago in the early 1970’s. This Santa lived in Warehouse Point Connecticut in my God Mother’s house. Granny (Alice) Turcotte was a wonderful women and starting in her 50’s took in foster kids that few others had the patience and love to give. Each had either a mental or physical challenge. Some stayed a few days, or weeks, others stayed their entire lives.
One night her collie, Lollipop, started barking. A fire had been started in a trash can in the upstairs bathroom by one of the kids playing with matches. Smoke quickly filled the two story house. Lollipop went to each of the bedrooms and woke everyone up. She literally saved their lives. I was quite young at the time and I remember Christmas was held downstairs that year while the upstairs was being remodeled.
This vintage Santa survived the fire and Granny Turcotte said the the soot on his beard served as reminder of the miracle that year that God was watching out for his children. Santa sits out at my house to remind me of Granny Turcotte, her faith, and the unselfish love she showed toward others. I miss her and wish I could spend a Sunday afternoon at her house again.
Day 11/365: The Wise Man
Moving to another section of my Christmas tree brings me to another memory. When I was about 10 years old, my Mother and I sat at the kitchen table and assembled wooden ornaments together. We then proceeded to paint and add glitter.
The result was about a dozen ornaments crafted with love, that have been passed down and grace my tree every year.It was the beginning of my journey into crafts and creating Christmas memories.
Day 10/365: Homemade Twix Candy
I promise food and treats are nearing an end, that is until the next time I walk down the aisle at the grocery store. Oh I HAVE to make those, it’s a tradition. Three ingredients Ritz crackers, peanut butter and chocolate, simple ingredients to a tasty treat. I call them Homemade Twix Candies