I love Southwest Airlines! Just about everything about it, from the friendly staff, the easy, no hassle reservations on their website and even their phone customer service. I have never gotten my luggage lost with Southwest, nor have I ever been charged a luggage fee. Which didn’t used to be an issue, but now, it’s a hassle on every other airlines.
My first flight on Southwest was probably back in the 1980’s or early 1990’s and I’ve flown several airlines over the past thirty years.
- Flight Attendents are friendly and casual (no stuffy suits, and overdone makeup)
- Pre-flight announcements are normally random and funny (I actually listen)
- I get to pick my seat and who I sit next too for several hours
- Passengers are more laid back and relaxed than other airlines (maybe due to more casual travelers and less “business” people who are flying the “other” airlines)
- Never have lost my luggage
- Checking in is easy (first to use computer terminals at airports)
- On line reservations is easy, you know you’re getting the lowest price instead of playing the “pricing game”
- No change fees!! No change fees!! Did you hear me, no CHANGE FEES or PENALTIES!!
- No luggage charges (Hey other airlines, what’s up with that?)
- I notice all the employees help each other out and are friendly to one another. Gotta be the khakis and casual attitudes.
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The latest reason I like Southwest, my youngest son graduated Marine boot camp in early October. I made reservations, and a few days later I received a letter saying he would rather leave on a different day to come home on leave. I assumed I would have to pay a change fee for changing my flight. Considering the reason, my logic brought me to call customer service to plead my case a waive the change fee.
This was not needed. The customer service representative said there was no change fee and it’s very easy to change my reservation on line just by entering the confirmation number. No limit, no change fees and if the flight was cheaper I would get a credit. I reminded her I bought the cheapest “Wanna Get Away” Flight. Still no hassle, if the price was higher I would just pay the difference in the flight cost. She walked me through the website and by changing my reservation I actually saved over $200 on three flights by rebooking during their 2 Day sale. Awesome!
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It gets even better. The flight attendant on our flight from San Diego home gave a very touching welcome and tribute to the armed forces and our service men and women. She welcomed and thanked my son, the new Marine and gave him a angel medallion when he left the plane. I was so touched.
During my eleven year tenure at Oxbow Animal Health the book “Good to Great” was required reading. Without going into business philosophy on how this good company became great I’ll just tell you what I have seen and heard. There is the story about the elderly gentleman who needed help and a random luggage carrier took it upon himself to go above and beyond, find help, and make the decisions needed to satisfy a customers need.
Employees are empowered at Southwest to do the right thing, make decisions and make a difference. To have an impact on customer, make them remember you, make them remember a company is a philosophy every company should have. I have seen small things throughout the years on Southwest that make me smile. But how I was treated the past couple of weeks, and the ease of the transactions, just made me want to tell others. It was a much needed blessing in my very hectic past two months that made a difference.
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So here is to Southwest Airline, thank you for being customer friendly!
As as extra benefit Southwest flight attendants are not only friendly, but they are funny and people actually look forward to the pre-flight announcements. Unlike other airlines like Delta and American where most people ignore the safety brief. Enjoy the rapping flight attendant on Southwest.
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