Oops, did I really say that? Flower porn? Oh, I said it again. I’m really into Flower porn (not human kind so stop there if you are and just leave), which is very close up shots of naked reproductive parts of flowers, the stamen and pistils or macro photography. I just can’t help it, I have to not only look but point my camera at those intimate detailed parts.

Some of my favorite flowers to expose are Irises, check out my shots from last year.
The secret to good macro photography is plenty of light and a fast shutter speed. With flower photography wind is your enemy and some days you may just need to bring the blooms inside. Expose for the petals to get the texture and details. Try different angles, different lighting, back-lit sun streaming through the petals. Get on the ground and shoot up against the sky. Break out of the boring and stereotypical flower photos.

Use an open aperture under 5.0 and focus on the itty bitty flower sexual parts, you know the ones, deep inside the flower that few people look dare peek when no one is looking.

Macro Photography Tools
Macro Extension Tube Ring for Canon EOS DSLR / SLR4-In-1 Lens Attachment – For iPhone 6, Telephoto/Macro/Fish Eye +
CowboyStudio One Way Macro Focusing Rail Slider Macro Bellows for
Neewer FC100 32 Super Bright LED Macro Ring Flash For
77mm Macro Reverse Ring Adapter for Nikon AI Mount
Understanding Close-Up Photography: Creative Close Encounters with Or Without a
Close-Up and Macro Photography: Art and Techniques
Closeup Shooting: A Guide to Closeup, Tabletop and Macro Photography
Flower Photography Tips
How to master the art of flower photography
How does your garden grow? – OCL series offers something for all garderners
Put a spin on flower photography
25 flower photography tips for beginners | Digital Camera …
Spring is Here: Beautiful Flower Photography – PictureCorrect
31 Incredibly Captivating Flower Photos by Wei-San Ooi