Prince of Peace
Merry Christmas to all my blog friends and readers. Preparations for the Christmas and holiday celebrations seem to overtake our lives, yet today is the day to reflect what it’s all about.
Took this photo when driving to a friends for dinner. The farmstead was elaborately decorated, yet this nativity scene spelled it all out. I added the text in Photoshop.
Funny and Humorous Books For Photographers
Photography isn’t always serious. To me it’s a way to relax and have fun. To a professional photographer just being able to to laugh at themselves or the industry is almost a necessity, or else they would go crazy.You need to have a little fun with photography, that’s why most of us got into it to begin with.
So what is a camera buff do when they don’t have a camera in their hands? Read about photography, and not just serious technical stuff either, sometimes it’s just having fun again. Here are my favorite photography books. Keep these in mind for Christmas, a birthday, Mothers Day, anniversary, or just any time is perfect to give a gift to someone you love.

What the Duck: I’ve been reading this comic online for quite sometime and it’s well worth having on the coffee table. If you haven’t gotten enough of the first book try adding What the Duck, Rule of Nerds to the collection.
What the Duck: A W.T. Duck CollectionWhat the Duck, Rule of Nerds
Awkward Family Photos: This series has gone viral and taken the industry by storm. What poses, props, and settings we once thought were cute have now become a bad joke. Really good for a laugh. There are now Awkward Family calenders, games, and even puzzles. But the puzzle might be stretching it a bit. The partner to the Awkward Famy Photos is the Awkward Pet Photos just as funny and we wonder why our kids grow up weird and our pets look at us funny.
Awkward Family PhotosAwkward Family Pet Photos
PhotoJojo: Now it’s time to get off the couch and actually create some unique and funny photos. This book is full of DIY (do it yourself) photo projects that will keep anyone busy for the afternoon. Even the dog. Is that a camera cam on his head? Photocrafts have become very popular and another alternative in displaying your photos. The ease of digital photography has opened up a wide range of paper crafts for weddings, graduations and parties.
Photojojo!: Insanely Great Photo Projects and DIYPhoto Craft: Creative Mixed Media and Digital Approaches
I Can Has Cheeszeburger: Now it’s the cats turn. Why is it cats are so amusing in posed photos? Maybe because they can be posed and propped with everything from beer cans to books and everything in between. Dogs won’t do that, that’s why they wear the video cam on their head (see above). If cats were to wear a video cam it would be VERY boring.
I Can Has Cheezburger?: A LOLcat ColleckshunHow to Take Over Teh Wurld: A LOLcat
Photography doesn’t need to be serious, it’s photos like these that have created great internet memes and made some people millionaires. Think of Grumpy Cat. Someone had to take a photo of him. You never know, maybe you’ll be the next internet sensation.
The Grumpy Guide to Life: Observations from GrumpyGrumpy Cat: A Grumpy Book
More Fun With Photog
More Fun With Photography
Living out dreams through the lens
Photographs Are No Longer Things, They’re Experiences
Photojojo: Small Business, Big Fun
How to have fun with photography at your wedding