Don’t know whether you would call these treasures, antiques, vintage collectibles, junk, or memorabilia, or keepsakes. Here is another look into the closets, cubby holes and attic of my Mother’s house I cleaned out this past summer.
Mom really adored Princess Diana and collected every thing from Princess Diana dolls, to coins, stamps, plates, and magazines. My Dad really like Old Spice, but I never heard of Seaforth aftershave or cologne. But what’s retro is now cool as the viral Old Spice commercial proves, these bottles were empty, but the scent still lingered. Anyone know the history of Seaforth cologne? I’ve looked online without any luck.
Collecting wore off in the family, my brother was no exception. He collected Action Figures, primarily Batman. If he had twenty he had three hundred. Most in original packaging, may duplicates, and even triplicates.

Boxes, boxes and more boxes came out of closets and cubby holes with depression glass, records, collectible plates, beanie babies and more. All for sale, just contact me and I’ll put you in contact with the consignment store.