Just one of the major life events in the past two months was moving into our new house. I first walked through this house three years ago, the first time it went on the market. Due to various reasons, it wasn’t in my price range, and the timing wasn’t right. So why did it stay on the market for so long.
As it went through various realtors, and decreased in price I slightly said a prayer every time. Please let it stay on the market until I can afford it, and the timing is right. I guess my prayer worked. During the three years I met Randy, changed jobs, paid down some debt, and this house got a new paint job inside and just waited.
It may look like an inconspicuous ranch, but inside is a five bedroom, three bath, garage, huge backyard, deck and an AMAZING basement family room with a fireplace all in 2800 square feet. That is three times bigger than the house I moved out of three blocks down the road. By the way, my old house will be for sale soon, at a great bargain.