I am honored to know Tom Brewer, and his family. I don’t normally venture into politics on my blog, photography is my gig, but have made a few exceptions, Colonel Tom Brewer is reason to make that exception. The more I learn about politics the more I’m fed up and tired of politics as usual and the career politicians who place their own interest first. We need more people in Washington that love America, understand what freedoms we truly have, and are willing to fight to keep that freedom.

We have a commander in chief who has never served in the military, who doesn’t understand international politics and policies and has made decisions that have not only hurt our country but put thousands of our men and women in the military in harms way and placed them in danger.
This is where my endorsement (for what it’s worth) and political stance is front and center. I totally believe, trust and stand behind Colonel Tom Brewer for Congress for the third district in Nebraska. I have been fortunate to know him and his family for many years as they have lived in Eastern Nebraska and his kids have gone to the same high school as mine. His daughter is a good friend of my sons and I think the world of her.
Tom has not only served his country with honor and commitment, stood in the line of fire to protect his men, but also been placed in diplomatic leadership positions with international leaders and advisers. He was critical in helping build the Afghan National Army in the years after 9/11. There is much I can say about the man and his values, but I have decided to link to the media stories and interviews to let him tell it himself.
People in the third district don’t have “bad” things to say about Adrian Smith, but they really can’t say something positive he’s done either. Although it has come to light that Rep Adrian Smith In a recent poll in the Grand Island Independent more than 70% think the 3rd District needs a military man to represent them in Congress.
Since then Colonel Brewer has taken Congressman Smith to task for not supporting the families of the men killed at Benghazi and has urged him to support HR 36 which would would support Congressional action to investigate the terrorist attack on Benghazi on September 11, 2012.

I have been following the events of Benghazi from the beginning as my oldest son was at Camp Bastion just a few months before the attack and it really hit close when men he knew and worked with died and were injured in the attack. Colonel Brewer knew and served with Navy SEAL Glen Doherty and in a radio interview this week stated the following:
“The mortars used to kill Americans on September 11, 2012 in Benghazi had American tail fin numbers. They were killed with our own weapons. And for the life of me, I don’t understand why Congressman Adrian Smith will not support an investigation that would allow the truth to come out.”
What is going on in Washington? Why are some state representatives hiding their head in the sand? The sitting Republican Congressman Adrian has time and time again turned down Tom Brewers request to debate before the primary. What is he afraid of, I say let’s get Tom Brewer elected, send him to Washington and let him take names and kick butt.
I encourage you to visit his website, contribute what you can, pass his information along to anyone in the country. It’s not just Nebraska he represents but all veterans, patriots and Americans. If you have contacts in the media or in the press get them in contact with Colonel Brewer and his campaign office. He not only has a story to tell, but is a leader who will get things done in Washington.
Colonel Tom Brewer Official Links
- Official Tom Brewer for Congress Website
- BREWER-News (these two articles tell you everything)
- Col. Tom Brewer Ret. Facebook
- @ColTomBrewer Twitter
- Colonel Brewer YouTube Channel
Video Stories
Nebraska Soldier retires After 36 years
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kAEYYxFoC8w
Watch the Brewer vs Smith Debate
Watch the Republican primary debate between Tom Brewer and Adrian Smith at UStream.com decide for yourself who won the political debate. I have watched many political debates over the years and Tom Brewer did a fantastic job in my opinion, you would never know he hasn’t debated before, or been in the political area. I didn’t know he had such a public speaking presence.
Video streaming by Ustream
Learn where Tom Brewer stands on abortion (Pro-Life), the second Amendment (life time NRA member), Benghazi, immigration, the national budget, national defense, the Keystone Pipeline, the Tea Party, immigration, leadership, and more important issues facing our country today. He has a vast amount of knowledge and experience in domestic and international affairs.
- Brewer is a Good Leader Opinion Piece (Beatrice Sun 5/9/2014)
- AUDIO Smith Faces Challenge in 3rd District (Nebraska NET 5/8/2014)
- Congressional Candidates hold Forum in Gering (Lexington Clipper 5/2/2014)
- VIDEO 3rd Distict Congressional Canidates Face off (KHASTV 4/30/2014)
- VIDEO Third District congressional Debate Held in Hastings (NTV 4/30/2014)
- Brewer Equals Service and Integrity (Letter to Editor Kearney Hub 4/28/2014)
- Smith Challenger changes his tune on ObamaCare and Keystone Xl Pipeline (Nebraska Watchdog 4/28/2014)
- Adrian Smith and Tom Brewer Differ in Style (Omaha World herald 04/26/2014)
- Smith and Brewer Debate in Scottsbluff (Star Herald 4/25/2014)
- Tom Brewer Shakes up campaign Staff (Omaha World Herald 4/22/2014)
- 3rd District House Race: Brewer Battle Scarred, but Still Ready for Front Lines (Omaha World herald 4/15/2014)
- Brewer discusses election chances (Sydny Sun 4/14/2014)
- Brewer Impresses in the 3rd District (Kearney Hub 3/12/14)
- Smith Challenger wants Real Debates, Not Canned Speeches (Nebraska Watchdog 2/24/14)
- Tom Brewer Challenging Adrian Smith for Third District (KRVN Radio 2014)
- House Candidate Brewer Campaigns in Chadron (Chadron Record 2/18/14)
- Candidate for 3rd District Tours Panhandle (Star Herald 2/18/14)
- Veteran of Afghanistan challenges Veteran of Washington (North Platte Bulletin 2/14/14)
- Tom Brewer Reflects on Military Experience (KOLN TV, Lincoln NE Dec 2013)
- Brewer announces candidacy for Congressional Seat (http://www.khastv.com 1/2/13)
- Brewer says he’d be stronger than Smith ( Lincoln Journal Star 1/2/14)
- Col. Tom Brewer eager to take on new mission: House race against Adrian Smith (Omaha World Herald 1/2/14)
- Col. Tom Brewer expected to announce GOP run against Rep. Adrian Smith (Omaha World Herald 12/27/13)
Articles About Colonel Tom Brewer
- After primary defeat, colonel getting back in the saddle (Lincoln Journal Star 11/10/14)
- Retired soldier doesn’t toe GOP line on Keystone XL, Medicaid (Nebraska Watchdog Jan 3rd 2014)
- Hansen: Nebraska’s most battle-tested soldier has new mission: Life after combat (Omaha World Herald 12/8/13)
- After 36 years of service, Col. Brewer stepping back, speaking out ( Lincoln Journal Star 12/20/13)
- Veterans’ invisible wounds discussed at PTSD conference – (Charon State College 11/14/13)
- Decorated vet passes torch to son’s generation during Sill visit (Cawton Constitution 9/24/13)
- Battle-scarred soldier: Col. Tom Brewer eager for one last tour (Omaha World Herald 2/13/13)
- Col. Thomas Brewer Makes a Career Out of Being a Warrior (Indian Country 3/23/12)
- Home safe from Afghanistan, but just barely (Lincoln Journal Star, 12/21/2011)
- Brewer aids in anti-heroin push (Omaha World Herald 8/4/2009)
- Nebraskan who has fought in every war since Vietnam to travel to Afghanistan (Free Republic 10/5/2009)
- One final Battle (North Platte telegraph (10/4/2009)
Tom Brewers Military Career
- National Guard, Nebraska Historical Site
- Guard counterdrug units aid hurricane rescue effort (Military News-Air Force 9/10/2005)
- Independent Native Journal (2004)
- Nebraska National Guard Lieutenant Colonel Thomas Brewer made history (1011 News 4/28/2004)
- Guard Soldiers Fight ‘Battle of the Boneyard’ in Afghanistan (Free republic 2003)
Chronicles the attack near Kabul Afghanistan where Tom Brewer and his men were outnumbered 10 to one, yet they held off the enemy for more than an hour before support arrived. Tom Brewer was shot six times yet still continued to fight and received his first Purple Heart.
If you know Colonel Tom Brewer you understand what he stands for, if you don’t get to know this man, he will tackle Washington like he has him military life, with honor and commitment.