August 26th is National Dog Day and like all other “fun” and “unique” social media holidays Twitter and Facebook is a buzz with the hashtag #NationalDogDay and I am no exception. Who doesn’t love their dogs?
Our pets give us unconditional love, they don’t argue back and there is nothing like puppy kisses on your neck and ears to make you giggle and smile. Try it sometime, it works. I’ve had puppies at my house for the past two months and I don’t think I could of gotten through the post accident stress without them.
Mental and Psychological Benefit to Owning Pets
Benefits of Owning a Dog
It’s scientifically proven that stroking a dog lowers your heart rate and blood pressure. People with depression also benefit strongly from having a dog in their life. Pet’s reduce stress and anxiety and beyond companionship can actually can raise levels of serotonin, dopamine, and oxytocin, three chemicals in your brain that help you to feel calmer and more relaxed.
Walking your dog in the neighborhood acts as an icebreaker to social interaction with others, and encourages physical activity. Many a single male or female has used a dog as an excuse to strike up a conversation with the opposite sex. I know one particular bachelor who keeps “doggy treats” in his pocket just for this occasion.
Dogs in My Life
I have had dogs in my life ever since I was born. My first was a poodle puppy named Suzette. She was just a few months old when I was born. We grew up together and she died when I was fifteen. Broke me and my Mom’s heart and she never got another dog, instead, cats took their place.
During college, I had a puppy for a short while and soon realized that an unstable, ever moving lifestyle of a young twenty-something was not the life for a dog. My cat was much more adaptable and acceptable to apartment and house rental dwelling.

The next dog was Nana, a part Corgi, part mutt and she literally was a “Nana dog” who laid on the blanket with my daughter when she was an infant, took care of orphaned barn kittens and grew up with my daughter, much like I did with Suzette. Again, when Nana died it broke her heart.

By this time I also had Brody, you might have read of his escapades here, he’s eleven now and our second dog Leah (the Boxer) keeps him young. He’s a Jack Russell who LOVES the snow and LOVES chasing invisible frogs in his wading pool.

Our last dog is a brindle Boxer named Leah, she just recently had puppies, more on that later, and now that I have owned a Boxer I will always have a Boxer in my life. She has spoiled us, she really has, and in a good way. Many Boxers are very excitable and full of energy and bounce and jump, Leah does not, she is very gentle and yes, typical of a Boxer she wiggles, a lot! But she doesn’t jump and she doesn’t really bark, she does talk though, and snore, and fart. More on that later too.
Tell Me About the Dog in Your Life
So tell me about the dog in your life, or the most memorable dog that left an impact. How has your pet changed your life, and why will you always have a four legged canine in your house?
Devoted: 38 Extraordinary Tales of Love, Loyalty, and Life With DogsA Dog’s Purpose
Dog Love – An Unbreakable Bond: Inspirational Stories of Devotion, Loyalty and Courage
How Dogs Love Us: A Neuroscientist and His Adopted Dog Decode the Canine Brain
Celebrating National Dog Day
For National Dog Day, Meet a Hero Dog From 1928
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PHOTOS | Celebrate National Dog Day! | Fox 59
Time To Pamper Your Pup, It’s National Dog Day! « CBS …