I’m the first one to admit that I don’t like yellow and green mushy vegetables. This includes squash, asparagus, and zucchini. But on the prompting of my good friend Beth, and my daughter who is a good sport about trying new foods, I have decided to expand my horizons. Nelson Farms is helping a great deal as they have a produce stand set up in the parking lot where I work all summer.
These were so pretty at the stand I just had to pick up a few and try grilling them. Because everything taste better grilled.

So, if I’m going to grill I’m going to use my new Pampered Chef grilling basket. Not knowing which way to slice these veggies, I tried the circles and lengthwise. After digging through my spice cabinet I picked two out, a vegetable supreme and a Mrs. Dash Tomato, Basil and Garlic mixture. Wasn’t sure what would be best so I just experimented by adding the herbs to some olive oil and coating both sides of the sliced zucchini.

Doesn’t it look delicious? I even impressed myself. Still not too much of a fan of the mushy factor, but I did like the long skin side pieces. My son thought they tasted like weird tasting eggs, he wasn’t a fan. But I ate them all and would try them again with different seasonings.
Anyone have any ideas with what else to do with yellow zucchini?
Photography notes: I’ve brought out my Olympus E10 camera again. I have it handy at work (Hamilton Color Lab) so I can take photos of various projects for an upcoming new blog series. Yes I take photos of photos. Redundent isn’t it.