Can you see the baby cabbage in the middle? Just starting to peek it’s little head through. This is my friend Beths garden, but I’m using it for subject matter, it’s beautiful so far this year.
My Life, my photography, my passions
Just a few weeks after I planted my basil it’s twice the size, just need to keep pinching back the tops to make it bushy, otherwise it just grows tall and goes to seed. Don’t want that, I want a huge plant with lots of leaves so I have plenty to harvest and dry. I use basil in just about everything, on pork chops, roasts, chicken, even omelets, and yes Italian dishes.
Sweet Basil is my favorite herb to cook with, I put it in just about everything. This little five inch plant should get to be about two feet tall and just about as bushy, if we get any warm weather. The secret is to keep pinching off the tops of each stem to make it grow bushier. I’ll document as the plant grows. Just a quick post this morning.
The west side of my yard has a large patch of violets blooming, they are so pretty, so tiny that I don’t want to mow them over. So I’m using them as an excuse for why I haven’t mowed yet. Most were a purple violet in color, but these were the only white violets in the yard. A mutation? Don’t know, but I thought they were special.
BTW: For regular followers I decided to change my header yesterday, with my theme of flowers lately it only seemed an appropriate header for spring,…I’m already thinking of my summer header…