One of my favorite customers at work drives a 1931 Model A Ford Coupe and every time I get a little thrill when he pulls it up to the front door. Bill just turned 90 this past week and he sold used Fords in the 1930’s. At the time you could buy a used Ford for $15.00, can’t even fill the gas tank for that amount now. His goal, to own every model built between 1929 and 1937, not all at once, but before he dies.
This one he purchased about a year ago in Chicago, he’s done a little work to it, and is now ready to move on to the next. So, if you’re in the market for a true American classic and a piece of living history, this automobile is for you. Even comes with a rumble seat, which is so cool, next time Bill comes in he said he would give me a ride around the parking lot.
I told Bill I would spread the word, so if anyone is interested please send me your email address and I will forward the information and connect the two of you together. The car is located in Omaha, Nebraska and is being sold by owner.