Words From a Marine Mom
In honor of my two US Marine sons, I want to wish a great big 236th birthday wish to the United States Marine Corps. This is the one time of year my USMC sons don’t mind me bragging about them a little. More than any other military branch the Marine Corps celebrates their birthday with parties, cakes and of course the Marine Corps Ball.
CafePress – (Single)Happy Birthday Marine Corps – Greeting Card MatteCafePress – Marine Corps Emblem Drinking Glass – Pint Glass, 16 oz. Drinking Glass
CafePress – Semper Fidelis Marine Corps Journal – Spiral Bound Journal Notebook, Personal Diary, Lined
I am very proud of them both of my Marines. This picture was taken at my youngest son’s Marine boot camp graduation at MCRD San Diego California this past October. His brother received weekend leave from his permanent duty station in Yuma to attend. It was great to have them together.
I have only gotten to see my youngest son in his dress blues and like any good Mom, I was beaming with pride. Who can resist a Marine in his dress blues? He had the opportunity to wear them to his high school during a recruiting visit to his alma mater Elmwood-Murdock High school.
It’s not easy to fit the dress blues uniform of the Marine Corps. There are strict guidelines of exactly how much spacing (the width of a dime) the ribbons should be from the top of the medal. Military personnel who have a chest full of ribbons, especially officers use ribbon racks to make this easier.
USMC Keepsake Box – Made a Difference – Ronald Reagan Marine Corps Quote Keepsake Box – Boot camp graduation giftAllied Frame United States Marine Corps Medal and Award Frame
Fuzzy FlagsTM U.S. Marine Corps Flag Fleece Blanket – 6.5 ft. x 4 ft. – Oversized USMC Travel Throw Cover
CafePress – EGA Black And Gold – Keepsake Box, Finished Hardwood Jewelry Box, Velvet Lined Memento Box

Of course, I was that Marine Mom who stalked him to the recruiting center to take photos of him wearing his dress blues. After five years of active duty, it’s the only time I’ve seen him wear the uniform in person. Yes, he rolled his eyes. But he’s actually pretty proud of this photo. It’s made its way around the internet and he’s been called the “Pinterest” Marine.
I think every Marine is handsome in his uniform, but the dress blues are especially striking. However, I have yet to hear a Marine say they “enjoy” wearing them. If you saw the shirt stays worn around the legs you would understand. If you have “seen” a Marine putting on shirt stays, then you would REALLY understand.
Stuffed 10″ teddy bear in U.S. Marine Corps Dress Blues Military UniformSgt R. Lee Ermey 12″ Dress Blues Talking Figure from Full Metal Jacket
How many times have you seen your Marine in uniform? Or if you are a Marine how much did you like, or dislike wearing your Dress Blues?