Small Town America Celebrates Memorial Day
In small towns all over America people come together to celebrate Memorial Day. Its a day that typically starts with a ceremony at the cemetery honoring our military veterans who served in the various branches of the Armed Services and then continues throughout the day.

Elmwood, Nebraska is no exception. The American Legion and color guard hold a ceremony, speeches are made, and veterans are honored. The boy scouts and local high school students are called upon to participate, raise flags and in this way they become part of history, part of the ceremony and part of a tradition of respect and patriotism to pass along to their children.

American Flag Centerpiece Party Accessory (1 count) (1/Pkg)Lot Of 12 Assorted Patriotic Theme Mini Metal Bucket Party Favors
OTC – Patriotic Inflatable Buffet Cooler for Indoor/Outdoor
Patriotic Bunting 2-Sided Pleated Flag 58
The Saturday of Memorial Day weekend kicked off with the celebration of the 125th Birthday of Elmwood Nebraska and a town BBQ. Over 300 people attended, ate lunch, played games and socialized with family and friends. The theme of the day was “125 Years of Progress” and included a fun run/walk in the morning, museum tours, quilt show, Legion baseball game, and ended with a dance in the evening.

The local 4-H club brought various animals, piglets, rabbits, goats, a cat, and a guinea pig, and two ponies for the kids to pet. It was a popular area.

The theme of the game section was Minute-to-Win-It after the popular game show. It was so much fun to watch I didn’t get pictures of the contestants, but this girl was having fun with the random hula hoops on the side. Had to capture her tenacity. Something I couldn’t do.

The American legion baseballs teams played during the afternoon and it’s a good excuse to hang out with friends, soak in the sun and visit the concession stand.

So however you spend Memorial weekend don’t forget the real meaning of the day. Take time to honor our veterans and military. Then have the picnic, barbeque and spend time with family.
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