My interest reach far and wide and encompasses many facets. I can be as laid back as the next person, but get me going on a subject I’m passionate about and it’s like sticking a quarter in me! I get wound up!
Hence the name of this page. “3 Quarters Today”. It all started with the a discussion about the break-up of the Big 12 Conference and the University of Nebraska leaving the tradition packed brotherhood of the orginal Big 8 schools. Granted I don’t understand why four school were added in 1995, but right now…it’s ALL ABOUT THE MONEY!!
The second quarter was then about the College World Series in Omaha. What is it with the 6 foot fences! Ok, I’ve only been to a few games in the twenty years I’ve lived in Nebraska, but this event is based on community, camaraderie and family togetherness during tailgating. This is the last year the College World Series will be held at Rosenblatt Stadium and the organizers are creating an unwelcome atmosphere and discouraging people from coming back. It’s all about the money.
This leads me to my third quarter. The building of a new baseball stadium in downtown Omaha, built mind you with the whole intent of hosting the College World Series. The public didn’t want it, the fans primarily wanted to stay at Rosenblatt, for many reasons, but it didn’t matter. Millions of dollars are being spent, parking will be a nightmare, much more than paying $5 to park in a neighborhood yard, and there really isn’t room for tailgating.
Is that passionate enough for you? Yeah, just stick a quarter in me to wind me up. This discussion happened about the time I ventured into a new phase of my professional career. I started working in partnership with a pet supply company and needed a company name.
I can be just as passionate about ideas, business and marketing. But I have learned to limit myself as sometimes passion can scare away people. One can only absorb so many ideas at a time. There needs to be time to process. In a business relationship there needs to be many pieces of the puzzle, marketing cannot contribute to adding a bottom dollar to the equation if the 4th Quarter is not supplied by the other departments and a buy in is made. Four quarters equal a dollar, and exponentially result in monetary rewards.
So with this explanation this blog will represent ideas, hobbies, news, and websites that wind me up so to speak.