Day 137/365: Choir Performance Wins Top Score at District Music Contest

I never get tired of bragging about the students at Elmwood-Murdock High School, especially when my son and daughter are involved. Here our choir performs at the district music contest the song “Things That Never Die”. They received “1’s”  from all three judges receiving the highest score of a 1+ for the second year in a row.   Twelve schools competed and only two schools received the high score.

HIgh School Choir, Things that Never Die
Elmwood-Murdock Choir

For your listening pleasure here is the video from my YouTube Channel.

If you have followed previous articles you know we are a small rural school district from a community of less than a thousand people in Eastern Nebraska. Our high school has a student body population of less than 120 students. That’s approximately thirty students in each graduating class. To have this many students (almost 50%) in choir is simply amazing and the credit has to go to Mrs. Betty Colbert our choir director.

She has made choir “cool” and coaches the students to find their voice. Many students sang solos at districts (including my son) and the girls sang Italian Sonatas earning top scores. The students participate in honor choirs and learn from top vocal practitioners in the field. In 2009 they even were invited and sang at Carnegie Hall, an experience I’ll never forget.

Glee Has Made High School Music Cool

The television show Glee and movie High School Musical and  Pitch Perfect has helped make high school choir and singing cool again. That and American Idol. It doesn’t matter why, but I’m glad. Many people have made fun of Glee and don’t like the mashup covers of popular songs but it has elevated music programs around the country. Glee style show choirs are extremely popular

Glee – The Complete SeriesPitch PerfectPitch PerfectAugust RushHigh School Musical 2High School Musical 1-3

Music in Our Schools


Mon Valley schools honored for commitment to music education

“Ensuring that every child has access to music in schools is central to the NAMM Foundation’s work, but a commitment from the entire community, including local music industry leaders, keeps music in schools,” foundation executive director Mary Luehrsen …
CMCSS makes list for Best Community for Music Education

Ensuring that every child has access to music in schools requires commitment by students, teachers, and those who determine school budgets,” said Mary Luehrsen, executive director of the NAMM Foundation. “We commend the districts and schools that …
Why cut music programs that help children with their learning?

However, we know that is shortsighted, as educational research supports music in schools. In performance groups, if not many students are being served or if the quality of performance is lacking, music becomes a target. This is too bad, because music
Music education helps mould well-rounded students

Music educators from across New York state came to Albany to spend the day meeting with their legislators to advocate for continued support for music in schools and to discuss the current challenges that face education. Music educators from NYSSMA Zone …
Harmony Project Mentors Youth Through the Power Of Music

Unfortunately, many school districts are quick to cut the music programs whenever budget issues arise, but the statistics show that there’s value in keeping music in schools. According to the Arete Music Academy, children who take music lessons are