At 1:30 am I walked out of Hartford Hospital feeling numb, exhausted, overwhelmed, and into a surreal environment that did not match my previous fifteen hours. The day started with a morning meeting with my Mothers health care team in the neuro-intensive care floor and ended in the hospital chapel as my Mother was received into heaven into the loving arms of Jesus Christ her Lord and Savior.
The physical difference of the machine dominated room compared to the scene that welcomed me outside made me stop and take a deep breath. Snow fell gently to the ground and I was transfixed. I stood and stared at the wonder around me that looked unreal, pristine, and untouched.
I was alone, not a person in sight, and a great sense of peace and calm overcame me as I lifted my face to the sky and gave thanks to God for His many blessings. It was only then I felt whole again and not torn or anxious.
God’s reminders are everywhere, His messages are found in unexpected places and unexpected times. This time is was a quiet snowy night, outside the hospital doors.