Connecticut is where I grew up, however I took the scenery, trees, beaches, rivers and streams for granted. I’ve lived in the Midwest for thirty years and although I love everything about the Nebraska, I do miss the the easy access to water.
In New England the Connecticut River takes center stage. It is the longest river in New England and flows from New Hampshire and empties into Long Island Sound. It serves as the state boundary between Vermont and New Hampshire and is 407 miles long.

Out of the over 50 tributaries of the Connecticut River I spent many summers during high school tubing on the Farmington River. Even in Connecticut there is white water to navigate to give the challenging adventurer an adrenaline rush. The Farmington River Tubing Company provides a 2.5 miles ride, complete with tubes, lifejackets and a ride back up to your car. Can’t find white water in Nebraska. Tubing in Nebraska is more like a lazy float trip.
I’m spending a few days in Connecticut on family business and thought I would take the opportunity to get some photography in at the same time. Obviously the river in February is a little cold and nope, I’m not going to take the polar plunge and even test the water temperature.
That explains your connection to BI. Nebraska must be such a different world in many ways…hope to visit those states some day…
Very different, love it but I’m ready to go home now.