Welcome to the Sidney Iowa Rodeo
Rodeo is an American sport, born and breed in the Great West. Tradition, patriotism, respect, and family values are celebrated at the start of every rodeo with the American flag and a tribute to the US military.

The Sidney Iowa rodeo is no exception and 2012 celebrated their 89th year with 339 cowboys participating in the five-day event. The talent and quality of stock was definitely better than what I saw the week before at the Wahoo Nebraska rodeo. While both were PRCA sanctioned events, Sidney takes it to a whole different level.
Sidney, Iowa Rodeo Sidney Original Vintage Postcard

Sidney Iowa has a population of about 1,500 people and hosts more than 38,000 people during five days. To this small town come professional cowboys that are nationally ranked in the top ten and perform in the National Finals Rodeo in Las Vegas. This meant watching a large percentage of full 8 second rides and few missed throws in the roping competitions.

Learn More About Rodeo History
The RideArena Legacy: The Heritage of American Rodeo
Cowgirl Up!: A History of Rodeo Women
Rodeo History and Legends
Black Cowboys of the Old West: True,
Fearless Funnymen: The History of the Rodeo
Famous Rodeos and Cowboys
I have been blessed with the chance to see those horses that know what to do, on a real ranch at a real calf roping. When they doctor a calf the horse stands off and puts tension on the rope just like you see there–it is quite amazing how they do it. Here is the site of one mighty fine ranch.