Being a Mother of two U.S. Marines I’ve gotten to where I can spot a United States Marine in a crowd. Maybe it’s their presence, the way they stand as if at parade rest, but I really think it’s because of the distinctive haircut.
Earlier this month I had the pleasure of seeing Huey Lewis and the News in concert. However, for a time this Marine had all my attention. Reminded me of my Marines.

It’s not uncommon for Marines to act as security at public events, my son David has signed up in California for a few gigs. Although I don’t think he’s gotten any gigs like Huey Lewis yet.
I tried to get this security guards attention from a far, but he wouldn’t be distracted from his task and wouldn’t make eye contact. He just kept scanning the crowd. When he walked to the side I took off for the side rail.
After stopping him I asked “Excuse me, are you a Marine?”
“Why yes Mam I am” and he looked at me quizzically.
“I knew it, my two sons are Marines and I could just tell.”
Turns out he was last active in 1997 (? doesn’t look old enough) and after a little bit of chit chat he gave me a firm handshake and told me to tell my boys “Semper Fi”. I walked away with a smile on my face.
Now I can’t think of Huey Lewis without thinking about my Marines.
Music By Huey Lewis
Greatest HitsSports (30th Anniversary Edition)
Learn More About Huey Lewis
I’m sure you made his day by knowing he was a Marine. Very cool!
He was very gracious, polite and nice. I did put a smile on his face, so maybe it made his day. I hope so.
What a sweet story. I actually got goosebumps reading it. Like the commenter above me, I’m sure you did make his day. I bet he loved to share a bit about his life with someone who “gets it” as you do. Thanks for posting!
I’m glad you enjoyed it. Thanks so much for commenting and visiting.
Yes! Something decent.
Army here – wishing I had been in the far more honorable Marnines – HooooAH!
Semper Fi – Good to see there are still people who show the military in a good light instead of what passes for education in our public schools.
The Army is a mess more than ever – so I hope the Corps is healthy and without stain.
Honor. Courage. Compassion. Truth.
Thank you for your service and your kind words. There are good men, and women in every branch, just like there are those in the Army that are a mess, there are “garbage” Marines. But as a whole, yes the Marines don’t tolerate stains on their image, or there men. Have a wonderful day and please come back again.