The first part of March my hubby and I attended the Great Nebraska Horse Fair in Lincoln Nebrasaka at the Lancaster Event Center. Meet some wonderful people including Jess and her yearling Belgian horse above. Photo was taken inside a horse trailer and lighting was just a little poor. Didn’t want to use my flash so just opened up the aperture.
I first rendered this in GIMP and adjusted the white balance. Although it rendered the image accurate the photo just didn’t give me the warm fuzzies. So after cropping in Photoshop I used a the Color layer adjustment with orange at about a 10% opacity to give the overall image a warmer tone.
What do you think?
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It’s amazing how the color of light can alter a shot. It is the most important aspect of creating a mood or feeling of a subject. Great Job!
Thanks, it’s one of my favorites so far.
Overall I like it. However (you knew there was a “however,” right?) I think the skin is too orange. I would suggest using a mask to keep the skin tone the color it was and then warming up the rest of the picture.
Now that I have Lightroom I’ll have to keep that in mind, it’s a lot easier to use spot masking and erase masking in LR4. Thanks for the critique, it’s greatly appreciated. I have a hard time on the skin tones. Desperately need to color calibrate my monitor.