I love creating special personalized gifts that people remember and through Groupon, (did I tell you I love Groupons) I found Canvas on Demand. Canvas on Demand turns normal photographs into three dimensional works of art on stretched canvas prints. Now, I LOVE Canvas on Demand and love their customer service. Let me explain.
About a month ago I decided to use the image of my son hanging from the barn as a graduation gift from Elmwood-Murdock high school. When I entered the photograph into the program the image didn’t have enough border to wrap without cutting off important accent parts of the photograph.
So I decided to create a collage of senior portraits. The design was done on Photoshop CS2 and changed all the images to a grey blue tone for consistency. My goal was to have it match the theme of the invitations. By the time I finished the design I was pressed for time and had to order it rush delivery. I noticed there was two orders in my shopping cart. How two got there I don’t know, so I deleted one of them.
Big mistake. When my order arrived it wasn’t the collage, but the hanging barn canvas which was created a month earlier. I then realized my mistake and was really bummed. I already had an enlargement of hanging from the barn and didn’t need another. At that same time another Groupon for Canvas On Demand. I ordered it and called Canvas On Demand to explain my dilemma. It was one week before the party, could I get it in time? Maybe by chance I could get a credit of some kind.
They did better than that. Customer service said they would replace the canvas and all I would have to pay for is the shipping. Awesome! I was also sent a return form to include a 5″x 5″ cut out of the canvas I wanted to return. After showing the barn canvas to my friend Beth she was impressed by it as well and thought I should keep both. I might just keep it and pay for it with my Groupon as I originally intended.
The second canvas arrived the day before the party and I am thrilled. Hanging on the wall it looks like a a work of art, the frame is very high quality and I plan on getting another canvas when my daughter graduates, possibly one of my oldest Marine son.
Definitely recommend the company, can’t say enough good things about them. Tomorrow I’ll give you my secret to printing senior portraits economically. Hint, it’s about Hamilton Color Labs.