Reader Interactions


  1. Happy Easter to you and yours Dawn! I have never seen or heard of a Resurrection Plant…I’m intrigued! It’s very pretty…and what a fine lesson for your Sunday schoolers. Thank you for sharing this with us!

    • Thanks for the comment and the subscribing, love your blog and 365 Project, if you hadn’t noticed? LOL I put you on my 365 Blog Roll can’t wait to see what else you do.

    • It’s a great lesson, the kids really don’t expect it to open up and come back to life. If you have Sunday School before church leave it in a sunny window in warm water. Then after church gather the kids to see what has happened.

  2. Thanks for doing the Lord’s work – in your church and on Twitter. Loved your presentation of the Resurrection Plant and so will your kids. It is thoroughly amazing pretty much like its Creator. I’m one of your followers on Twitter and always enjoy your posts. Don’t have to say God Bless You as He already has. You are a chosen one.

    • Thank you so much for commenting, sorry it took me so long to get back to you. My comments were full of spam to get through and it was overwhelming. I love my Twitter followers, it’s my favorite social network. Met some fantastic people there. Please come back again.