Why Am I Starting a Lutheran Advent Season Series?
As Christmas approaches it is easy to lose focus on the birth of Jesus Christ get wrapped up in the commercialism of the season. The insert Lutheran Advent Season reflections in my church mailbox gave me an idea. It was copied and printed on black and white copy paper, nothing fancy and yet it is so simple.
Each day is outlined with a specific reading and lesson to reflect on the meaning of the Advent season. As I started reading so many things came to mind.
You see I teach Sunday School and have for over 25 years. I always look for inspiration, ideas, and ways to teach my fourth and fifth graders in a way they can relate and understand the Bible and the Gospel message.
Right now we are practicing for our Christmas Eve program and I am the piano accompanist. So I’m craving some eye-opening teaching time.
Hopefully, this series will inspire, teach and prepare you for Christmas in a way you never considered. I will include the Daily reading, hymns, music, and a summary of the Reflection of the Day. A link to Trinity Lutheran Church online sermons will also be provided.
I encourage you to comment below, for a couple of reasons. God wants you to ask questions. By asking questions you learn and understand.
The First Sunday of Advent
Today’s Reading: Matthew 21:1-9
Daily Lectionary: Isaiah 9:8-10:11; 1 Peter 5:1-14
Jesus is coming!! He is “the coming ONE”
This, in a nutshell, is the Christian meaning of Advent. Advent is all about Jesus coming to you. He’s not coming to condemn you, He’s coming to save you. He will take upon Himself all your sins and give you everlasting life.
So what are you going to do to make yourself ready?
Nothing. There is nothing that you can do that will make Jesus love you any more than he already does. He alone makes you ready. He delivers His coming to you in His gifts.
Hymns: First Sunday Advent
Hymns during Advent are anticipatory and lead up to Christmas and the anticipation of the birth of Baby Jesus. Many songs people think of as Christmas music are actually Advent hymns. O Come, O Come Emmanuel is what I would call an anthem for Advent.
Oxford Hymn Settings for Organists: Advent and Christmas: 38 original pieces on hymns and carolsSeven Preludes on Advent Hymns
O Come, O Come, Emmanuel
Willis Music O Come, O Come, Emmanuel (Early Inter Level) Willis Series by Carolyn C. Setliff
O Come, O Come, Emmanuel
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iO7ySn-Swwc[/embedyt]
The Piano Guys O Come, O Come Emmanuel is one of my favorite renditions of this popular Advent song. I do scour YouTube for Advent hymns and will be sharing my favorites in the month to come.
A more traditional version of O Come, O Come Emanuel YouTube edition is the performed by a traditional choir.
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7xtpJ4Q_Q-4[/embedyt]
I like both. Which is your favorite?
Links to follow the Lutheran Advent Season of Reflection
- Higher Things: Dare to Be Lutheran – The First Sunday of Advent
- Trinity Lutheran Church: First Sunday of Advent Sermon (listen to audio here)
Tomorrow I will share another of my favorite hymns for Advent Season: Savior of the Nations Come.