I don’t understand why people are afraid or depressed about turning fifty. Yes, I will be 50 years old in just a few days and thanks to my hairdresser I don’t have gray hair on my head.
This is my half-century mark and I’m more comfortable today than when I turned 40 or even 30.
My husband hated turning 50, he didn’t even want a cake, and even the mention of his birthday made him growl. I don’t know why men have a harder time with age than women.
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Just think about it, if only I knew then what I know now. I would of been a more relaxed, enjoyed just being in the moment and not so stressed.
So at age 30 I was a new Mom with a baby daughter and two boys under the age of six. I didn’t even have time to take a shower, much less “do my hair”.
Ten years later my boys were teenagers and life got complicated to say the least. I started off on a journey of being a single Mom and it took many years for the insecurities and self doubt to fade.
I not only welcome 50, I’m embracing it!!!
So Have a 50th Birthday Party
Celebrate the joy of turning 50 and the freedome that comes with the wisdom of the age.
I am on the cusp of the 2nd phase of my life and can see retirement just over the horizon not only being a goal but a way of life. With age comes confidence and wisdom from years of making mistakes.
My children are raised and on their own and our relationships are changing to the next phase. I have never been more proud of my kids, whether it be the confidence of taking on a new job, juggling finances and not asking for help, or buying their first car on their own.
What I am VERY much looking forward to is the Grandma stage, I hear it’s wonderful and I’m ready.
Mark My Words 50th Birthday Mug, 4-3/4-Inch, 17-Ounce Capacity
Life after 50 is carefree, it’s doing what you want to do because it’s your choice.
Ever see people in their 70’s that aren’t afraid to say anything, they do and they get away with it. Perks of getting older is saying (pretty much) what you want because you don’t care what people think, you are bold, and an “elder” and all of the sudden you are wise.
Ok, people listen because you’re old, possibly out of respect, but they still listen. It’s not that you’re rude or mean, in fact, the opposite is true, you’ve learned how to communicate better, what “words of wisdom” work, and how to shock a teenager and get attention.
I have decided I’m not only going to celebrate on my birthday, but all year round. You only turn 50 once in your life so you better make it a good one.
The 50th Birthday Game. Fun 50th birthday party idea, also a uniquely fun 50th birthday gift for men and for women.You’re Only Old Once!: A Book for Obsolete Children
Getting Away With Senior Moments
I actually have an excuse for walking into a room, standing in the middle, and wondering why I entered. Senior moments, shoot I’ve been having them for years. I forget words, I look for my phone, while I’m talking to my daughter, ON MY PHONE.
I also look for my my sunglasses, oh yes, when they are on my head.
389 Unforgettable Senior Moments Page-A-Day Calendar 2016BigMouth Inc Senior Moment Caution Sign
365 Senior Moments You’d Rather Forget
How to Celebrate Turning 50
So I need some ideas, a bucket list, or check list of sorts to say “When I was 50 I did….” I’m not one for tattoos, so that is out. But, I think this milestone is one to be documented, recorded, and remembered for what it is, the first day of the rest of your life.
I do know I’m going to have some Rumchatta, be with my family, laugh, and eat some cake!
You Know You’re Fifty When50 Ways to Enjoy Turning Fifty: Make the Most of Your Milestone Birthday to Have the Best Year Ever