It’s the start of the sweet corn season and I really need to make room in my freezer. Our first batch was 18 dozen ears. I’ve been putting up sweet corn ever since I was little and shucked corn in the garage with my Mom. It’s easy, shuck, brush off the silk with a handy little brush, rinse and put in bags.
I’ve heard that some people boil, cook, blanch, add sugar, salt etc. But there really isn’t a need for the extra work. Even nine months later corn on the cob taste just like it was picked out of the field.

It doesn’t take long before my freezer is too full and I have to start cutting corn kernel off the cob and bagging loose corn. I use a bundt pan, put the ear in the middle and it falls right in the bowl. Easy and fast, although with an electric knife it would be even faster.
For those who are scared of knives, or would like the kids to help shuck and strip corn there are safer tools than a big ‘ole honking knife.
Easy Corn Cutter Stainless Steel Cob Peelerzjskin New Peeler Thresher Tool Kitchen Cob Kerneler Cutter Stripper Remover
Fantastic Job – Car Shape Corn Stripper with a Little Storehouse
Corn Cutter Tool- EZ Creamer and Corn Sheller
But it’s Not nearly as fast as using a power drill McGyver style like below. Since I’m a little intimidated by power tools, I think I’ll stick to my method. But if you have a motivated man in the house this might be a way to get him to help out with the canning.
I rinse the kernels afterwards and let any silk and small pieces float to the top. My daughter loves to eat the pieces of sweet corn that stick together in chunks raw, very tasty and it’s tempting.

Now I have sweet corn in the freezer all winter and corn on the cob to enjoy all year round, just pass the butter, salt and pepper. We were lucky this year and a local farmer told us to just go on over to his sweet corn patch and take all we wanted. He had about an acre planted and shares it with family and friends.
I have a small chest freezer full of corn and I should buy stock in Ziplock bags.
Midea WHS-129C1 Single Door Chest Freezer, 3.5 Cubic Feet, WhiteZiploc Freezer Bag, Quart Value Pack, 40-Count(Pack of 3)
Since we love corn in our house it will definitely save on the grocery bill this year. Between my green beans from the garden and corn we will be pretty well set.

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Great post! I’ve always blanched my corn… something about enzymes.. but I will have to try it your way also! Thanks!