A year ago this month my youngest son left for  Marine Corps Recruit Depot in San Diego and started 13 weeks of the most challenging accomplishments anyone can face. Becoming and earning the right to be come a U.S. Marine.  At the
Across the parade deck hundreds of new Marines march in their platoons as the last maneuver they will complete before leaving MCRD full fledged Marines. The Marine Band plays to open the ceremony, the chaplain leads every one in prayer and then the parade of dress blues begin. This is my second Marine graduation, my oldest is also a Marine,  but  the tears of pride still flow just as fast and my hands shake as I hold the camera.

Since graduation my new Marine has attended MCT (Marine Combat Training) in Pendleton CA, Corrections training in San Antonio TX, and is now back at Pendleton as his permanent duty station. Congratulations to my newest U.S. Marine, he makes me proud.
I found this draft sitting in my WordPress folder.In evaluating my stats in WordPress my US Marine Corps postings represent 20% of views. Very popular topic, but considering every parent of a new Marine searches the internet for every scrap of information they can find to learn more about the journey ahead, I can understand.
Related articles
- Marine Dress Cover (ndjmom.wordpress.com)
- A closer look at what it really means to be a U.S. Marine (fox6now.com)
- Boy Becomes Honorary Marine (foxnews.com)
- Required Reading for Marines
It made me cry too and I do not even know him. I know how proud you must be!
Thanks, I thought I had this scheduled for next week. I normally don’t post back to back posts.
I love the pictures! you must be so proud 🙂
Thanks, I am, once you’ve been through a loved ones boot camp experience and graduation there is nothing (short of giving birth) that can make you prouder. It’s a huge accomplishment.
I would really encourage you to keep your blog going while you are in boot camp. You can mail letters to your boyfriend and he can post them to your blog, or to a family member or trusted friend.
Not only is it therapeutic, but will help those at home stay connected with an appreciation of the journey.